28-Day Elegant Summer Challenge

Summer is on the horizon and even though it gets very hot here in Virginia, I can’t wait. I had a beautiful Spring season and it is making me very excited an elegant summer.

If you want to become classier this summer an level up while still enjoying the sunshine, this post is perfect for you.

I have created an easy 28-Day Elegant Summer challenge to follow. Everything is already done for you! How many of these will you check off?

Week 1: Reflect and plan

Mid year reflection

Make a summer vision board or summer bucket list

I have a bucket list for every season. I fill it with every idea I can think of and I make a strong effort to cross everything off the list. It has helped me experience a lot of things each season because I already have a light plan in place.

Lucky for you, I already wrote you a summer bucket list. Feel free to steal some (or all) of these ideas for yourself.

Take the elegance course

If you are committed to having an elegant glow up this summer, the best way to get started is to take Modern Elegance Simplified.

It is my beginner elegance course that covers everything you need to know in order to polish up and become a classy woman.

Do one thing that has been on your list for a while

We all have that thing that we know will improve our life, but it is kind of a chore. The thing that you have been procrastinating on for a long time. Whatever that is for you, do it!

Plan something with your friends

A summer beach trip. A dinner party. A girls night. Get in the group chat and make at least one big and exciting plan with your girlfriends. No matter what you do in these next few months, make sure you are nurturing your friendships.

Make a summer playlist

Bonus points if you are adding elegant music that you don’t normally listen to. Classical is fantastic.

Plan your workout routine

I’ve already shared the workout of the summer. If that doesn’t interest you I urge you to get online and find some kind of workout that you will be consistent with this summer. Bonus points if you can do it outside surrounded by nature.

Week 2: Glowing up

Let the sun kiss your skin

It’s time for tanning. Don’t forget to wear your sunscreen. I tan very easily and I love when my skin glows from spending my days in the sunshine.

Start your summer workout

Get your workout clothes on because it’s time to start your summer workout. It helps to have a good playlist to get you excited. Try to workout at least 3 days per week. Even if it is a small workout, something is better than nothing.

Read a book by the pool or by the beach

One of my favorite things to do is read books at the beach and pool. Summer reading is a lot of fun so be sure to take your books on your next trip to the pool

Have a relaxation day

Switch off social media. Try a meditation or sound bath. Both are very relaxing. Sound baths are easier if you have never tried meditation before.

Order a beautiful dress

You will wear this dress soon enough. It might take a while for shipping so you will want to order it now! Dressing up is an easy way to have an elegant summer.

Watch this video

One thing I have learned as I get older is how much change we experience in life. Sometimes it can be a struggle, but this video will help you learn to flow with your life.

Find an elegant summer fragrance

I just finished a post about finding your new scent. I love sweet and floral smells. I’m always trying to find a new scent every couple of months.

Order a new swimsuit

If you haven’t already. You deserve it! You’ve been working out, right?

Week 3: Feminine Goddess

Do something with flowers

One of the easiest and quickest ways to feel connected to your feminine energy is to do something with flowers. Photograph them, arrange them or plant them. There are always flower farms in the summer where you can pick your own. I encourage you to create your own flower bouquet!

Wear a house dress

I have a whole post about my life changing experience of wearing a house dress to do my chores. It sounds very retro, and perhaps it is. But I loved every bit of it. Still not convinced? Read all about my experience here.

Bake something wonderful

Make your house smell like a dream. Try a new recipe or bake one of your favorites. It is always fun and relaxing to bake a sweet treat.

Try a new makeup look

Even though I wear a lot less makeup in the summertime, I always try at least one new makeup look. With all of the ideas on social media, it is easy for me to find something to try.

Live like a Greek Goddess

I am absolutely obsessed with Greek mythology and the goddesses. I have written a post about how to channel your inner goddess and it is a fun thing to try out this summer.

Week 4: Elegant Summer Siren

Get your nails done

It’s time to start celebrating your summer glow up! Try one of these classic, elegant nail ideas for your next trip to the nail salon.

Wear your new dress

Remember that dress you ordered? It’s time to wear it to the dinner mentioned below.

Go to an elegant restaurant

Visit an elegant, upscale restaurant. One that you’ve never been to before. Bonus if it’s the white tablecloth kind of fancy.

Wear your new swimsuit

Take a dip in your new swimsuit! Show off that summer body you have been working on!

Get your hair done

Time to touch up your roots or get some summer highlights. I am simple and I normally just get my hair trimmed but I might experiment with a new cut.

Take pictures

Have a photo shoot to celebrate your glow up.

Write a letter to your future self

Now that you have completed the challenge, it’s time to write a little love letter to your future self. Talk about where you are in life and how you are feeling in this moment. If you need some inspiration for this letter, I have a post all about it.

elegant summer

Final thoughts

My goal is to help you have the most magical, elegant summer possible and I hope this 28-Day challenge helps you enjoy these warmer months. Tag me on IG @elegantsecrets33 if you complete these tasks! I don’t post on there often but I can definitely see when you tag me!

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