elegant fragrances

5 Must-have fragrances for elegant ladies

Freshly baked cookies. The smell of rain in the air after a summer storm. The perfume you used to wear when you were in middle school. Scents are an incredibly important part of our daily lives. Scents can trigger memories and emotions, even transport us back in time. 

As a woman of elegance, it is important to start building a fragrance collection that consists of scents for different occasions. It is summertime now, so in today’s post I want to share 5 feminine fragrances that are perfect for the warmer months. 

*Bombshell Tokyo, the fragrance shown in the cover photo for this post is one of my favorite fragrances of all time. It was a limited edition fragrance and it was only sold for a short period of time. I couldn’t find it anywhere for you to purchase.

Bare Magnolia by Victoria’s Secret

Perhaps I am biased because I work at Victoria’s Secret, when Bare Magnolia arrived in our store as a tester to share with customers I instantly fell in love. It is the epitome of feminine essence. It is a heavy, creamy floral smell that is perfect to wear on summer nights. 

Notes: Upcycled orange flower, magnolia wood, vanilla musk.

Cosmic by Kylie Jenner

I know what you’re thinking…just listen. I wasn’t expecting to like cosmic as much as I did. There was a lot of hype about the fragrance before it launched, and I was drawn in because I loved the shape of the bottle and the marketing. 

When it landed in stores I knew I had to go and smell it. To my surprise, I loved it! Unlike Bare Magnolia, it is a lighter scent that I would definitely wear during the daytime. It’s very girly and instantly became one of my new favorites. 

Perhaps it’s because I’m a fan of vanilla musk and cedarwood, but this is a must have fragrance in my opinion.


  • Opening: star jasmine, blood orange
  • Heart: golden amber accord and red peony accord
  • Base: vanilla musk accord and cedarwood

Princess by Vera Wang

I think I have spoken about this fragrance before somewhere on my blog. I have had it for many years. I absolutely love Princess. This is a perfect addition to your feminine fragrance collection because it is also very light and sweet. I wear this when I want to feel like my life is a fairy tale. 

At only $30 a bottle on Amazon, this is probably the most affordable of the fragrances I am listing today. I get compliments on this fragrance all the time when I wear it!


  • Top Notes: Apple, Water Lily, Mandarin Meringue
  • Middle Notes: Golden Apricot Skin, Tahitian Tiare Flower, Dark Chocolate
  • Base Notes: Vanilla Chiffon, Amber and Musk

Chanel No 5 by Chanel

It is impossible to make a list of fragrances for elegant ladies without mentioning the classic, Chanel No 5. My mother had a tiny bottle of this that her friend brought home from Paris and gave her as a gift. I spent my childhood smelling this perfume and then I wore it to my wedding.

Released in 1921, this perfume is over 100 years old! It is a classic floral that every lady should own. The only thing about this fragrance is that there seems to be no in between. You either love it, or you hate it. 


  • Rose and Jasmine

Baccarat Rouge 540 by Maison Francis Kurdijan

I have heard so much about this fragrance online and I knew I wanted to smell it. I must confirm that it definitely lives up to the hype. It has a little bit of everything that I love in a fragrance. A floral meets woody scent, this is the most expensive fragrance on this list, at $325. 


  • Jasmine, saffron, cedarwood and opposing ambergris.

How to properly apply perfume

Prep your skin

Make sure your skin is clean and moisturized before you apply your perfume. I have made the mistake of applying perfume right before washing my hands (especially during the pandemic) and then I would have to re-apply. 

During my normal getting ready routine, I would apply my makeup, wash my hands, moisturize my hands and arms, let the lotion set into my skin and then I would apply my perfume.

Apply to your wrists

You want to focus on your pulse points when applying perfume.

Hold the perfume about an inch from the inside of your wrist and give a nice spray. This should leave a puddle of perfume on the inside of your wrist. 

DO NOT rub the perfume in with your wrists.

DO NOT spray the perfume too many times. Normally, you only need one spray. Too much can be overpowering. 

Press the insides of your wrists together to saturate the other wrist with perfume. Let the perfume settle into your wrists. 

Applying perfume to other parts of the body.

If you want to spray perfume on other parts of the body, it is suggested to spray on your collar bones and behind each of your ears. I have also seen women spritz a little on the back of their neck, this way they are covered with the fragrance.

Many women like to spray their clothes with perfume. I recommend spraying one or two times in the air and walking through the mist to avoid getting any large drops of perfume on your clothing.

Final thoughts.

Perfume is a way to elevate your presence and add another dimension of elegance. Don’t stress too much about finding your signature scent. There are endless amounts of fragrance and you don’t want to limit yourself to just one. 

Go to your local beauty store and smell all of the perfumes they have to offer to see which ones you like the most.

Once you find a good fragrance, it should last you a long time. Slowly, you will have a little collection of favorites.

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