5 Happiness rules for elegant ladies

There once was a princess who didn’t know how to be happy. She spent each day cleaning, stressing, and raising small children. On the outside her life looked magical. The perfect little family. But on the inside, she was stressed and felt like her life had no direction.

Days turned into months, and months turned into years. The earth traveled around the sun many times before the princess finally realized that she wanted to have a magical life full of happiness. 

She went on a journey. A journey for her soul. She discovered modern elegance, and found other ways to bring her happiness. And over time, her heart started to heal. She started laughing more. Loving more. Living more.

Now her life looks much different than it once did. And she wants to share her secrets to true happiness.

1. You must de-center men from your life.

I am married. I have been married for 10 years now, so I must say that I have not personally de-centered men from my life. I do however know many single young women and women in relationships. What I have learned from these relationships is that living a life that revolves around men is a guaranteed way to never become happy.

  • If you are in a relationship and you are hoping to get married but he isn’t proposing. 
  • If your man is toxic but you are afraid to be single.
  • If you go from one man to the other right after a breakup. 
  • You find that you always have to have a boyfriend no matter what type of man he is.

These are all signs that men are the center of your life. 

In order to become truly happy, YOU should be the center of your life. Constantly putting most of your energy into a man means that you aren’t putting much energy into yourself. 

2. You must focus on yourself.

What makes YOU happy? Are you good at living life for yourself? Not trying to please your parents, not trying to make a man happy, not trying to constantly impress your boss or your peers. Trying to please yourself.

One of the reasons why women stop focusing on themselves is because they get distracted with other things that slowly take them farther and farther away from their true selves.

If they put all of their energy into a relationship, they will slowly lose themselves. If they put all of their energy into raising children (like I did) they will also lose themselves.

The longer you go without focusing on yourself, the farther away you will get from your true self.

3. Choose the right circle of friends

Our friends have a substantial influence on our lives. Sometimes friends can be toxic. Perhaps one of the biggest tips that I have for happiness is to be very intentional about the people you spend your time with. 

I have mentioned this multiple times throughout my blog because of how important it is to be. Your friends should be supportive, happy people who recharge you when you need them and also bring value into your life.

4. One step at a time.

When I was in my mid-late 20’s I had my first experience with anxiety. I had never had a panic attack before, I suppose I was so stressed with my life that my body became overwhelmed from all of the stress. 

I started having regular panic attacks and always felt like I needed to go to the hospital. I went to the doctor but all they did was try to give me medicine instead of helping me address the root of the problem. 

I decided to get off of the medicine because the side effects weren’t good for me. I looked into healing my anxiety naturally. I researched all of the ways to change my lifestyle to reduce my panic attacks.

One of the things that I learned was that I spent a lot of time worrying about things that I couldn’t control. I would worry about the future and about other people. I would worry about almost everything because I was in a very negative place in my life.

Someone told me that the best way to stop worrying was to only worry about the next step that you could take.

One step at a time. Stop worrying about the future, stop worrying about things that you cannot change or control. Always focus on the one and only thing that you can do next. 

5. Gratitude

I can’t remember where I first heard this quote but a few years ago I heard a quote that said something like ‘if you aren’t grateful for the things you have now, you don’t deserve to have more’. 

I wasn’t grateful at all. I wanted to be. But I couldn’t bring myself to be grateful through all of the sadness. Honestly, it’s hard to be grateful when you feel unhappy. 

Looking back, there were so many things that I could have been grateful for. I had a happy family, was able to be a stay at home mother and I also had time to work on my blog. 

I don’t think that I realized the power of gratitude back then.

No matter where you are in your journey to happiness, remember to always be grateful.

Bonus tip: Get out of your comfort zone.

I also speak about this a lot on my blog. The worst place to be when you are feeling unhappy is in your comfort zone. You need to expand your horizons more in order to grow as a woman. You can read this post if you want to learn more about the comfort zone.

Final thoughts

These are my most recent tips on happiness. If you are struggling with feeling like you aren’t happy enough then perhaps this post can help you.

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