How to turn your desires into reality
Hello beautiful! Welcome back. If you are new here, my name is Victoria and I blog about modern elegance and personal growth. I’m here to help you improve the quality of your life. Today I’m going to share how to turn your desires into reality.
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Last weekend, my husband and I did something that I have wanted to do for a very, very long time. We made homemade ravioli.
I know. It seems so simple and small, but the reality is that I have loved ravioli since the chef boyardee canned ravioli I used to eat as a child. I haven’t eaten that in decades but I had been craving homemade ravioli for years.
There were several reasons why I never made ravioli before. The first reason is that I never was that interested in cooking. I found it intimidating. The second reason is that I needed a pasta roller in order to create thin strips of pasta for the ravioli. I supposed I could have rolled it out myself but the pasta roller is easier. The third reason is that it is extremely tedious, and I wasn’t sure if I could do it right. I know I would be frustrated if I put in all that work only to have the final product taste terrible.
The Bottom line…
I was creating every reason in the book to not make it happen. But I couldn’t escape the desire to have fresh ravioli. Over time, the thought would pop into my head and I would do my best to push it to the back of my mind. I even tweeted about it because it was such a strong desire of mine.

Finally, I decided to make it happen. I started many new hobbies during the pandemic, and I developed a new love for cooking with fresh ingredients and making meals completely from scratch.
I put a plan in action. I went on Amazon and purchased this pasta roller on black friday. I knew if I had any chance at getting a good price, I would have to buy on black friday.
I found different ideas for ravioli, but ultimately decided to create my own ravioli. I can share my recipe in the future once I perfect everything.
I asked my husband to help me because I want to start cooking together more often. We always have a ton of fun and we appreciate the meal so much more knowing that we made it all together from scratch. It opened my eyes to all the things that I have wanted to do over the years but haven’t for one reason or another.
I must say that the ravioli was absolutely divine. I honestly can’t describe it to you but we did a bacon & shrimp ravioli with a creamy garlic sauce. If you’ve ever had bacon wrapped shrimp, it’s a similar taste. The sauce takes it to a new level and I’ve been thinking about that delicious meal ever since.
I learned a major lesson out of this experience. It is (very) possible to turn your desires into reality. It is important to get out of your own way. Stop making excuses and finding reasons why something can’t be done. Instead, find ways to get it done.
How to turn your desires into reality in 4 easy steps.
1.Identify your true desires
Some things pop into our head on a whim and we never really think about them again. Your true desires are the desires that you’ve had since you were young. The things that you often think about doing but you haven’t looked into because it is out of your comfort zone. That thing you’ve seen on tv for the longest time but haven’t given a shot.
You’ll know which desires to pursue when you realize that you have these desires for a long time. Not everything deserves your energy and attention, so it is important to be able to identify the desires that you should act upon. Making homemade ravioli was a no-brainer for me because I had wanted to give it a try for years and honestly, it’s one of the easiest desires that I currently have. The only thing that was holding me back was my mindset.
Related: How to step outside of your comfort zone
For some, making ravioli from scratch isn’t a big deal. But for me, I had to find a good recipe, purchase the necessary tools, purchase all of the ingredients, then risk hours of my time for something that could possibly turn out tasting awful.
I had to create an entire plan to make my dream of homemade ravioli come true. You will have to do the same for your desires as well. Whether you want to travel to someplace that has always been on your bucket list, take up lessons in cooking, surfing, dancing, whatever your desires are, because they are slightly out of your comfort zone you will have to make a plan.
Once you’ve decided what you want to do, research the best, most affordable way to get it done. Research everything you need to purchase, the people you need to call, the places you need to go. Once you’ve done your research, executing the plan will be easy.
3. Execute.
This is perhaps the hardest part. Days went by before I even took the pasta roller out of the box. In fact, I opened it, gave it a good look, and decided that I was going to return it. This was because it was something out of my comfort zone and I figured we could use the money for something else and if I wanted to make ravioli I could just use a rolling pin for the dough.
Eventually I decided to keep it and to give the recipe a try. But you will go through these phases too. You will be excited to make the call, to purchase the equipment, to schedule the time, but when the time comes, you might end up feeling some type of way.
But you have to do it. You have to move forward with the plan. Be aggressive. Once you do it, you will be SO happy you did. Just like me. I’m so happy that I ended up turning the experience into an entire blog post.
Turning your desires into reality isn’t as hard as it seems
All it takes is determination, planning, and a good plan to start something new. The ravioli has got me serious about cooking now. Over the holiday break, I cleaned out my fridge and re-organized my kitchen. I picked up some new gadgets for cooking and I’m feeling like I can cook anything at this point!
I hope this post encourages you to do that thing that you have been thinking about, maybe even tweeting about. If you do, take a picture and send it to me on twitter or instagram! I’d love to see your desires turned into reality.
It’s time to create the life you’ve dreamed of…
If you’re feeling stuck in life and are having trouble with personal growth and reaching your goals, I recommend you take my Life of your Dreams course. I created the course for women who are having a hard time moving past a certain season of life and aren’t achieving their goals.
Three years ago, I made the conscious decision to change my entire life. I was miserable and depressed and I knew it was time to make a change. Looking back, it was one of the best and most important decisions I’ve made in my life, so I created a road map for you. Life of your Dreams helps you reach your goals and create your dream life.