Sensory Deprivation tank (float pod) my experience
Recently I decided to try something new, something that I had been hearing about but couldn’t find time to try. I went for a 60 minute session at my local float spa and needless to say I fell in love. I definitely think that this is something amazing to try this season. You will find these float sessions very beneficial in many different ways. Let me share my experience with you!
Maybe you’ve watched all 4 seasons of Stranger things and were curious when Eleven uses sensory deprivation to increase her powers.
Maybe your favorite celebrity has talked about floating.
Maybe you’ve never heard of floating at all.
If you want to learn more about sensory deprivation floats before you give it a try yourself, you’ve definitely come to the right place.

What is a sensory deprivation float?
A float pod is formally known as a Sensory Deprivation tank/pod . The pods are lightless, soundproof, and filled with only 10 inches of water, which is heated to body temperature.
The water contains a large amount of Epsom salt, which makes the water very dense allowing you to float effortlessly on the surface of the water.
During a session, your blood pressure decreases while blood flow increases, your brain activity is also reduced in the tank. Floating helps relax your mind and body as well as alleviate any pain you have in your body.
The average float session is about 60 minutes long.
How will I benefit from a float session?
Floating has a number of benefits. Here are just a few…
Detox: The first is that no matter what you are going in for, Epsom salt will detox your body. Here are a couple . Stress relief: Floating helps with stress and anxiety.
Pain relief: Epsom salt when absorbed through the skin reduces pain in muscles and joints .
Peace: No phone, no noise, no children, no worries.
Sleep Aid: Floating puts your body in a relaxed state and will give you the best sleep of your life.
The float experience
The float spa I visit is exceptionally clean, the staff is amazing and very friendly. I felt more relaxed the moment I enter the doors. Hopefully you experience the same.
Once the tank is ready you enter a private room complete with your own tank *or pod as well as a shower. You must shower before entering the tank and then insert earplugs provided by the spa. Petroleum jelly is available to use if you have any small open cuts that may burn due to the salt.
*the reason why I say tank/pod is because some float spas have pods and some have tanks. The place I went has pods. They look like this. You can change the color of your pod or choose to let it change colors on its own. You can also choose music for your float session.

Once you shower it is time to enter the tank. Swimwear can be worn in the tank however it is recommended that you do not wear anything while floating in order to maximize your comfort during your session.
I prefer to float with my swimsuit. I wear an older suit because I don’t want it to get damaged by the high salt content.
Doesn’t that make you feel claustrophobic?
That is the most common response I receive when explaining the tank to others. No, It doesn’t . The tanks are actually quite comfortable and didn’t make me feel claustrophobic at all. If at any point I were to feel uncomfortable I could just open the tank and float that way.
It is recommended that you float with the pod closed and the lights off, however you have total control. There are buttons in the tank that control the lights (mine had lots of different colors) as well as volume (you can choose music to listen to during your session) Whatever is comfortable for you.
The first few minutes in the tank I spent playing with the lights and music as well as simply being fascinated by the fact that I was floating so effortlessly. After I turned off the lights and truly relaxed I found it difficult in the beginning. My mind was racing, thoughts scrambling everywhere. Several minutes later, I became completely relaxed and one with the water in the tank.
I also felt the muscles in my body relax like never before. My body was thanking me for sure. Before I knew it, the tank was talking to me, telling me that my session was over. I was disappointed it was over so soon. But it wasn’t soon, It was a full 60 minutes. Time really flies when you’re in the tank.
What do you feel like after?
I’m going to be very honest, the very first time I floated, I couldn’t hang. I had to get out at the 45 minute mark. Why? because I was getting nauseous. But, I had done the research before I floated, and this is because I have never done a detox before, and my body was being detoxed-major! It didn’t last long, though. I was SO relaxed in the car on the way home.
The other times that I floated, I felt like I got a massage afterwards. That’s what floating does. The salt water relaxes your muscles SO much, it removes tension and literally feels like you just finished a fully body massage.
I also felt extremely relaxed. SO relaxed actually, that I wanted to pull over on the side of the road and go to sleep on the way home. Don’t worry-I didn’t.
Okay I’m going to try it. What should I bring?
Very exciting! If you are planning a float, you need to bring all of the things that you would use in the shower at home. You will shower both before and after your float, so you should bring everything you will need to do you hair and makeup or whatever you would use at home to get ready.
I personally bring my own body wash and shampoo, my hair products, deodorant, and moisturizer for my face.
The float spa I go to is Regenerate, in Hagerstown Maryland. They have a blow-dryer in the bathroom and other little things in case you forgot to bring some things from home. It is a wonderful place to go. I highly recommend.
I hope this article helps you! If you decide to go float, come back and let me know how your experience was! I would love to hear all about it!
Happy Floating!