
A virtual flower garden + the language of flowers

Chloris, the goddess of flowers was walking through the woods one morning when she discovered the lifeless body of a nymph.*

She transformed the nymph into a flower. The god Apollo then warmed the flower with the rays of the sun. Aphrodite added beauty. Dionysus added a beautiful aroma and the three Graces gifts of charm, joy, and splendor.

The new flower was named the Queen of Flowers. Later, Aphrodite named it Rose after her son Eros, who is the god of love.

To this day, the Rose is a flower given to represent love.

*Nymphs are mythological personifications of nature that appear as beautiful women

My love for flowers

Flowers are a beautiful part of femininity. One of the ways that I live a soft life on a regular basis is by doing something involving flowers as much as possible.

Whenever I am photographing, picking or arranging flowers, I feel very channeled into my feminine energy. Flowers have been a symbol of femininity since the ancient times.

This post originally was supposed to be a digital garden. A photo diary of all of the flowers that I have had the pleasure of seeing this past spring.

I visited some gardens in D.C. with my daughter and she spent the entire morning taking photos of flowers. She told me she wanted to photograph every single flower that she saw.

I like to take pictures of flowers too, but I’d never taken as many photos as her. So, I turned on my camera and started taking photos as well.

The result? A beautiful photo album featuring dozens of flowers in every color imaginable and a new found passion for flower photography.

Floriography: The language of flowers

In the Victorian Era, it was considered poor etiquette to communicate directly about certain things. People started using flowers to convey messages to their friends as well as their lovers.

There was seemingly a flower for any emotion or message, and there were flower arrangements made to convey multiple messages.

The very first dictionary ‘Les Langage des Fleurs‘ was written in 1819 by Louise Cortamburt

Today’s post is a combination of flowers sprinkled with the meanings of the flowers that I was able to identify. When I was first taking the photos, I wasn’t paying attention to the names of the flowers because I was going to make a coffee table book of images.

When I added them to the blog I decided to list the meanings of the flowers as well. This post will be continuously updated as I add more photos and more flower meanings.

Lily of the Valley

These gorgeous white bell shaped flowers are the national flower of Finland. The meaning of Lily of the Valley flowers is return to happiness. Lily of the Valley is used in royal wedding bouquets.

Lily of the Valley is very popular in the royal wedding bouquets. In 1981, Princess Diana walked down the isle with a gorgeous flower bouquet consisting of roses, lily of the valley, orchids, and more.

I wanted to grow these for many years. I was very happy when they finally bloomed in my container garden.

Calla Lily

White calla lilies are a symbol of innocence. Pink are for admiration and admiration. Black calla lilies are given to symbolize elegance and mystery.

I love calla lilies. I had them in my garden a couple of summers ago and they were easy to take care of and were bloomed most of the season.


This red rose is one of the most beautiful roses I’ve ever seen. I went to a new nursery and garden center and they had hundreds of different rose plants. I was in heaven.


This is one of my favorite flowers. I spend a lot of summer morning admiring my hibiscus flowers in the summer.

These flowers are originally from Asia and are a symbol of femininity and beauty.

Forget me not

The name of this flower does a fine job of explaining it’s meaning. Forget me nots represent remembrance. They also represent true love and devotion. If you give someone this flower, you are showing just how much you love them.

The name of this flower comes from a German legend about a Knight that fell in love and was trying to pick flowers for his lover.

He was walking in a river and bent down to pick the flowers. His armor was too heavy and made him fall into the water. As he fell he shouted ‘forget me not’ in German. He drowned trying to pick flowers for her.


Bluebells are a symbol of humility and faithfulness. It is said that they represent humility because of the way the bell shaped petals are facing downward.

Bluebells are also known as fairy flowers. In folklore, the bells would ring when fairies would call their family members to a gathering. If you encounter bluebells in the wild, please be careful not to step on them. It will bring you bad luck

I had a wonderful time photographing all of these flowers. It made me pay attention to detail and I also found a lot of adorable insects as well. I hope you enjoyed this digital flower garden. I’ll continue to add more photos to this post.

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