The Classy girl’s guide to healthy revenge
One of the things that every woman will face in her life is not being treated the way she deserves to be treating. From losing friends, to toxic boyfriends and husbands, women experience a lot of heartbreak. In the movies, it is all about getting revenge on whoever hurt you. It’s about making people feel the way they made you feel. It’s about getting them back for what they did wrong to you.
When you become a classy woman, you learn how to handle situations like these in a more mature and healthy way that you might have before.
How do you handle toxic family members?
How do you leave a toxic relationship even though you are still hurting?
How do you handle a friendship breakup?
In today’s post I’m sharing 7 ways to get healthy revenge and it has nothing to do with getting someone back for what they did to you.

How do you know when you need to get healthy revenge?
A relationship is ending that was important to you. This could be any kind of relationship, not just one with your partner.
You were treated in such a way that was unacceptable and crossed your boundaries.
Sometimes people will keep pushing your boundaries because they know you won’t stick to them. This behavior forces you to end the relationship.
1.Acknowledge why this person shouldn’t be in your life anymore.
If you are ending a relationship, it is important to have some kind of closure. If you can’t get closure from the person, you need to write down exactly why this person doesn’t belong in your life anymore.
Sometimes seeing something in black and white really puts things in perspective. It also helps you understand that it is okay to let someone go because the way they were treating you wasn’t acceptable.
2.Let the universe deliver the karma
Slashing tires and posting things on the internet is low class and shows that you are not emotionally mature.
If you are coming out of a situation where someone did something on purpose to hurt you or you suffered emotional trauma because of them, the only thing you can ever do in these situations is to let the universe deal with that person.
Over the years I’ve taken time to read numerous books on the laws of the universe. Karma is a very real thing and whatever energy someone is putting out into the world is the kind of energy they will receive.
A classy woman never focuses on trying to be the person who delivers karma.
3.Block this person from your life as much as you can.
The block feature on social media is one of the best features ever to hit the platform in my opinion. When you are moving on from someone in a healthy way, you want to make sure they are not a part of your life anymore.
This definitely includes social media.
You may have to block their family and friends as well.
This isn’t toxic, this is simply moving on from that part of your life without seeing constant reminders of that person. This also makes it harder for the person to communicate with you.
4.Don’t be angry
I know what you’re thinking. Why shouldn’t I be angry at someone who mistreats me? The reason is because that person is simply living life at a much lower vibrational frequency as you are.
They are battling something inside of themselves which made them treat you the way they did.
Holding on to anger is bad for you and I personally believe it can be bad for your health. Let it go and move on. Life is much too beautiful to waste time being angry at someone who most likely doesn’t even care.
5. Focus on yourself
It’s time to start your recovery journey. Losing people can hurt and it is okay to experience feelings of loss and grief even if it is a friendship breakup.
But it is time to start focusing on yourself. What ways can you use your time now that you won’t be spending it with that person? What are some hobbies that you’ve never explored? What can you do now that will channel your energy in a positive way?

Learn all the skills necessary to become the classiest woman in the room.
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- How to dress like an elegant woman.
- Elegant tips I’ve learned from the Royal Family.
- How to command attention in a classy way.
- How to be elegant in a toxic situation.
- 50 Ways to be elegant each day.
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- Hobbies elegant women have
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6.Start your fitness journey
I will always recommend starting a fitness journey. Working out is an incredible way to channel your energy into something positive and healthy for you.
Many people like to go to the gym after a breakup or divorce to get a revenge body, and I don’t think it’s a bad idea.
7.Don’t spend time talking about or focusing on this person anymore
One of the worst things you can do after a breakup no matter if it is friendship, relationship or family is to waste your energy focusing on or talking about this person. If you must talk about them, talk about it in therapy where you have a professional to speak with and a limited amount of time.
8. Final thoughts
Sometimes people aren’t mean to be in our lives forever. Sometimes they are there to teach us things or to be there when we need them. Losing people hurts, but getting revenge in a healthy way is going to be much better than focusing on the negative aspect of revenge.