aqua fitness

Aqua fitness: Your new favorite workout

Storytime: I almost quit the gym for good. Then I tried aqua fitness. I walked into the gym with a number of feelings that I couldn’t explain. It has been three years since I started working out at least 3 times per week. The gym was my escape from drama. The place where I went to work on myself and my long term health.

But I got bored. I don’t know what happened exactly, I got busy with work and I also struggled with a bit of seasonal depression in the winter. No playlist or cute gym outfit could motivate me to go to the gym. Weeks went by and I didn’t go at all. That is when I decided to quit. I didn’t want to pay for a membership that I wasn’t using.

The moment that I walked up to the front to desk to cancel, I smelled the chlorine of the pool. With summer only a couple weeks away, I decided I wanted to try something different. I wanted to do a water workout.

Luckily, I keep my swimsuit in my pool back in case I decided to swim, so I was prepared. After a quick search I found several water workouts to try.

That was the day that I became obsessed with aqua fitness.

What is aqua fitness?

Aqua fitness is simply a serious of workouts that you do in a pool. Many gyms and community pools offer aqua fitness classes, they are popular amongst seniors at my gym.

Aqua fitness is great for people who suffer from body aches and pains, as it is easier on the joints to exercise in the water. It is also easier to balance when you are doing certain exercises in the water.

The water offers 360 degrees of resistance, making regular tasks such as walking and running into a workout.

Honest review of my first water workout

I did a very basic workout my first time. A quick 5 minute stretch followed by 30 minutes of high intensity exercises in the water. I cooled down for 10 minutes before leaving the pool.

I was pleasantly surprised that when I reached the middle of the workout I was out of breath and my heart rate was where it is when I do normal cardio at home. This was because I worked my way up to swimming a couple of laps.

I instantly fell in love with this workout. I take my kids to the pool almost daily in the summer unless there are storms and I am happy that this year I have some easy workouts that I can do while they are swimming.

Final review: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 stars !!! Highly recommend

Why you’ll love aqua fitness.

You will be obsessed with aqua fitness because it is different, refreshing in the summer heat, and you can also easily get these workouts in when you are on your summer vacations.

Ready to get started? Here are some ideas for your first water workout.

All you need for aqua fitness is a swimsuit. Some water workout classes often include water weights, ankle weights, medicine balls, and other pieces of equipment that are available at my gym.

You do not need to purchase any of these right now. I do recommend you invest in some good water shoes if you enjoy the workout and plan on doing it often. If the bottom of the pool isn’t smooth, it can scuff your feet over time.

These are the videos I watched on YouTube to get an idea of what I wanted to do. I didn’t follow these exactly, I took the exercises from each video that I wanted to do and then made my own workout from there.

I love this PopSugar Fitness video because it was really short when I needed to get some ideas on a whim. These exercises were great.

I love a good HIIT workout so this video was perfect also.

For the second aqua fitness workout that I did, I wanted to try and incorporate more core exercises. My gym had noodles I was able to use, but definitely get one if you want to try these next workouts.

If you are a mom like me and you take your kids to the pool but you also feel like the pool gets crowded sometimes, here is a video with wall exercises so you can stay in one place.


Although most phones made within the last 3-4 years are water resistant and would probably survive a dip in the water, I would advise you to invest in a good waterproof phone case if you plan on taking your phone in or close to the water to watch the videos.

I wouldn’t want to suggest this workout and then find out that one of my readers dropped their phone in the water and broke it.

If you have an iPhone 14 or newer with no cracks, it will survive if dropped in shallow water. If you are anything like myself, you don’t want to risk damaging it. This is just a suggestion.

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