How to explode your blog traffic with Pinterest
The Struggle for blog traffic is REAL.
** just an fyi, this post does contain affiliate links, but I have taken both of these course and seriously I wouldn’t know what I have been doing without them for so long. You will LOVE them.
I know this because I struggled to get steady traffic to my blog for the longest time. Almost 2 years to be specific. You see, if you want to be successful online you need to build a following. You need to have lots of people consuming your content on a daily basis, following you on social media, and joining your email list.
When I first started blogging, I would read tons of posts about people who were getting 20k pageviews a month or more. Some people were getting 50k page views. I was struggling to get 2k views and I was wondering to myself what in the world are these people doing to generate so much traffic?
Pinterest. The answer was Pinterest.
I was already aware of the power of Pinterest because it was already the main source of traffic for my blog. I didn’t have any luck on Facebook or Twitter. I knew I wanted to explode my blog traffic from pinterest, but I didn’t know how.
So I read blog post after blog post, watched every youtube video I could find on the subject and implemented every single strategy that I learned. It kind of worked. I would get a couple of viral posts here and there and traffic would spike but really I wasn’t getting more than 125 page views a day on a normal day. On viral days I could get up to 600 page views but those days were few and far between.
But it wasn’t enough. I was only getting one email subscriber a day, it was a miracle if I could get two, and my blog wasn’t growing at all. I knew that I needed help. But I was super hesitant to purchase courses because I was worried that I would spend money on a course and it would just have all of the information online that I already knew.
I needed a strategy that was going to work. So I tried to figure it out on my own for an entire year. My blog traffic grew a little bit, but I could never get more than 6,500 page views a month on my own.
I started getting really stressed out about the whole thing. “How are people getting 30k page views a month” How in the world are they making that happen? What are they that I’m not doing.
I was at my wits end with everything. I was worried that blogging just wasn’t my thing. I had been trying so hard and I wasn’t really getting results. I was debating on giving up, but then I finally decided to invest in my blog and purchases course.
That was my thought after just one full month of implementing the course strategies. I went from getting 10k views in just the first month, and the next month I got 30k views, and by January 2020 I got 49k page views in a month!
Here is my October 2019 Traffic
I took the course November 1, and implemented the strategies for the entire month. Surprise! My first 10k month!
I was worried that I was just getting lucky, but my traffic for December and January were even better!
I couldn’t believe it! I couldn’t believe that I was finally pulling in the numbers that I had always wanted. My email list started growing much faster than ever before. I started gaining more followers on Instagram and more likes to my Facebook Page. I was so happy and I still am to this day!
Of course!
And the best part about all of this is that both courses are super affordable! You can take both of them for around $100! Hi good deals, how are ya?
Pinteresting Strategies
Carly Campell is the blogger behind Mommy on Purpose who uses a completely different strategy to blow up her blog traffic. She manages to get hundreds of thousands of page views per month to her blog by using Pinterest. Her course Pinteresting Strategies had exactly the winning strategy I had been looking for the entire time.
I don’t know how she figured it out, but Carly is a full on Pinterest Scientist. I’ve been using Pinterest for a very long time, and I would have never been able to figure out these strategies in a million years. I was blown away by the way she works Pinterest.
Carly’s strategy focuses solely on manual pinning, because the Pinterest Algorithm prefers that we pin manually instead of using a scheduler like tailwind. Although there are tons of people who do have major success with tailwind, my Pinterest success came as a result of me combining the pin creation and keyword tips I learned from Pinterest with Ell, (which I will get to in a minute) with the insanely powerful manual pinning strategy I learned with Pinteresting strategies.
Pinterest with Ell
Lauren Duclos is a blogger who created Pinterest with Ell.
Lauren has mastered Pinterest and created an awesome course that will help you do the same. What I love about this course is that she really dives deep into what goes into creating a pin that will go viral, she also talks about keyword research, and her strategy for pinning to board. This course is a MUST HAVE for anyone who is just starting out with Pinterest and has no idea what they are doing, but I’ve been using Pinterest for a very long time and found it very useful!
This course is great if you don’t have much time to manually pin every day because Lauren does very well with using the famous Pinterest scheduler, Tailwind.
Seriously I can not recommend these courses enough!!!
I highly suggest that you take BOTH courses! This is how I got so many page views…I took the strategies I learned from both courses and magic happened.
If you take them and implement their strategies there is literally no way that you can screw it up. Your blog traffic will EXPLODE.